Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Sailin on mud..

days are passing without leaving a trace.. n i am making no moves for my betterment.
study front is choked..
there are times in ones life ..wen a person isn't happy for his efforts-- thing is this-- i have this feeling most of time.
I might be sounding a depressed or dumb ass.. but cat help it out really. That spark is not here with me this time. GATE is on 10 feb. today is 23 jan.

It wont work wen u try to sail in mud.

m left with 16 days n nights. today i thot of a plan for study..i wil try it from tonight on.
I will check the input VS output [hmm pretty statistical] i mean that how much time i was with open book n got what in that time.
i have to study 12 subjects.. one is almost over.
left are 11 :: days are 16... just got a shiver thru my spine. I hvnt really got this view before.
k m goin back to TP.. gonna study full throttle from tonight.
c ya soon.
signing off.
harsh jha.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

drops and drags

here i am .lost in light of the moon that comes thru my window.....
bathes in blue, walls of my memory divides the thorns from the roses. [afterglow :: inxs]
some times you give your cent percent to a relationship, be it friendship.. n the return is not the same.
same happened with my friend.. i think that friendship is sacred than other relationships.
its transparent, clear... no fears it is pure you.

we face to many drops in life.. but friends are the ones that drag you from there..
this was the idea for title of the post. like i dragged my friend out of peer pressure. he is still waitin to have a word with the faulty one. tomorrow he will be more relaxed after things will get cleared up!!!!!!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

A day of pure bullshiting &%##@!

started normally ... became a total failure.
this was short n compact description of yesterday.

truth will prevail>> my foot.
i went to a bpo named globerian in delhi.i cleared all the rounds there..but wasn't appointed on account of 8 months. what was my bloody mistake..i told em that i won be workin after 8 months.

Lesson learnt:: farzification plays a big role.. wenever you have slightest of doubt that speaking truth wont work. Go ahead n say watever should be said to make things turn your way..
A slap on cool monthly salary for me... hunt for job goes on.
signing off. harsh jha.